Tuesday, 1 July 2014

How to Win Over Your Guy’s Friends: 3 Things They Look For


Men, more often than women, will take their pals’ opinions into account just as much as their own feelings. What his friends think of you can strongly influence whether a guy wants to get serious or not, so I’m here to help you cross this early relationship hurdle and make the best impression possible.

Just like you might be protective when meeting a friend’s new guy for the first time, your guy’s friends want to make sure you’re a good match for their buddy. Three things sure to make a good impression on them: whether they enjoy your company, how easygoing you are, and how witty/funny you are. While you should always be yourself, play up your strengths in these areas to make this meeting go smoothly. Here are a few tips:

Be fun to hang around (because you are!).

Enjoy the moment and the company you are in. Guys love a girl who can just “be” in any situation and take everything in with a smile. You will automatically put others at ease if you are comfortable in your own skin. If his friends feel like they genuinely enjoy being around you, they’ll give you their stamp of approval.

Be a guy’s girl

When guys have close female friends, they tend to be the type of girls who can “hang with the boys” and coexist in a more masculine setting (like that crowded, loud dive bar they chose for your first meeting). If you can be the girl who enthusiastically shares the wings and beer—not the one who wears heels and leather pants to a pub crawl and then complains that your feet hurt—then you are a ROCK STAR in their eyes.

Show off your wit.

If you want to hit a home run and pretty much ensure his friends adore you, let it be known that you’re not just “the girlfriend” but also their friend—a real addition to the crew. When you can hold interesting conversations full of humor and intellect, then you are golden, baby, golden. So don’t be afraid to crack some jokes and jump in on topics you know a lot about.

by Greenstarnetwork admin..

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