Saturday 31 May 2014

5 Scientifically Proven Tricks That Can Make You Attractive

article-201451479450735107000 We all like to believe that we can be more attractive than what we are; at least to that one special person. The good news is, you can look and even feel attractive, without putting in any extra efforts, and by following some very basic rules. If you thought that we are just going to talk about makeup or fashion tips, let us assure you that these tricks are proven and backed by scientific studies.

So, just read on to know how to become irresistible for your partner, or for someone who has been on your mind for a long time. We are sure these tricks can work wonders for your love life in no time.

1. Smile your way into their hearts

It has been proved that a smile makes you look less intimidating, and more attractive. When you throw a friendly smile at someone, you are directly conveying a message that they have no reason to worry about or fear, and this easily induces further interaction.

#2. Stand tall and confident

It is not a secret that most women like tall men. Ladies are biologically inclined to choose the alpha male, and if there is a taller contender, he is going to have his height as an edge. So guys, try to choose footwear with high-heeled insoles.

Although a girl’s height might not matter to most guys, the confidence that high heels impart does not go unnoticed. However, if you are very tall, wear flats and walk straight with shoulders pulled back firmly. This goes for both, men and women. In any case, be very confident when you walk. Nothing is more attractive than someone who walks straight and confident.

#3. Sometimes makeup is a must!

Ladies, men like makeup on you, as long as you don’t go overboard and paint your face colourful. You can be very confident with your makeup. Studies have shown that men are actually attracted towards women who wear natural makeup that hides blemishes and give them a smooth, flawless look. So, if you are planning to meet that special someone, make sure you wear subtle makeup.

But guys, please stay away from makeup of any kind! Yes, do away with tinted lip balm, compact, or even girlie, floral perfumes. It has been shown that on an average, for women, makeup on a guy is a big turn off.

#4. Be bold, wear red

This might sound strange to some, but having some red included in your look, either in the outfit or accessories, is like carrying a flame that will attract your mate like the proverbial moth! The colour red has been proved to be highly stimulating to the areas of the brain that dictate procreation.

A study from the University of Rochester has showed that men rated women in red more sexually attractive than those who weren’t in red. However, be warned that only the colour cannot work miracles. In fact, it can do nothing if you are unfriendly or unapproachable.

#5. Laugh your heart out

‘Laughter is the best medicine’, they don’t say this for no reason! It has been proved that when you laugh heartily, your best look comes out, and nothing can attract the opposite s*x better. When you both are talking, and you laugh at something that they say, it makes them feel that you appreciate them. However, remember not to get carried away. Laughing for a long time after the conversation, can be a definite turn off. Also girls, stay away from giggling

Now that you know what makes you attractive, don’t miss these 6 Scientifically Proven Ways to Make Someone Fall in Love with You

It is incredible how nature has pre-programmed us and our attractions. The secret is simply to be able to decipher the codes. With these five basic tips, we are sure you will be able to attract your dream guy or girl quite easily.


by Greenstarnetwork admin..

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