Monday 29 December 2014

5 Things A Guy Feels When His Best Friend Gets Married

Amid all the experiences of life, one that most of us do come across is witnessing the wedding of our best friend(s). As soon as a guy gets this news, a phrase that rightly describes his feelings is ‘a bouquet of emotions’. Well, agreed that unlike women, men might not go crazy about the wedding shopping, but they too do care for everything else. While on one hand, they really feel happy about the new beginnings of his life, they also fear losing their best friend at the same time.

Well, for those who haven’t had such experience yet, let us prepare you well in advance with what you will go through. So, take a look at the feelings of a guy when his best friend decides to tie the knot.

#1. He is not my friend anymore

Not ready to accept the fact that you will now have to share your buddy with his wife, you might feel that it is an end to the glorious run of your precious friendship. What’s more? Mere thought of your friendship reaching a level, where you two will be meeting occasionally, and maybe that too never without his wife, will make you feel even more sad and lonely. But don’t worry! It is just a passing phase. It is that resistance to the change, which we all show initially, but do accept it gradually.

#2. His preferences have changed

Before anyone else in your friend’s family would decide what to call her, you would already be quite comfortable with this word even without having met her. However, despite all this, you might still consider her to be your rival as she would be stealing away your best friend from you. And the incidents, like your friend rejecting your proposal to go for an action movie with you just because he planned for a special dinner with her, or him preferring to hang out with her instead of you, might just make your feeling of enmity towards her grow stronger.

Well relax! All you have to do is to give yourself as well as your friend some time. Respecting your friend’s need to give more time to this new relationship will help to maintain the good relations between you two.

#3. He is not the same party animal he used to be

You will notice that there is a visible decrease in his raw bachelor energy level. It will upset you when he would refuse to be your wingman to hit on pretty girls or hesitate to chug that beer mug that he greedily used to gulp down earlier. And to top it all, he would even leave for home earlier than the rest.

Guys, you have to understand that he is a family man now and his responsibilities must be balanced with his enjoyments.

#4. He is not open with me anymore

He will surely not be sharing with you every detail of his intimate life, which might not be a problem for you. But, what might actually bother you is that he may even stop sharing his problems with you. Seeing him worried and not knowing the reason behind his worries might make you feel that you are not an important person in his life anymore.

While this behaviour might leave you with the feeling that you have no one whom you can call a friend, you need to understand that everything in his life is not related only to him. There is someone else as well, who might not be comfortable in letting you know about those problems. So, respect the commitment of your friend towards his relationship.

#5. Has my time come too?

Your best friend tying the knot is bound to inject this thought in your mind. The manner of tackling this thought varies from person to person. Some get happy and eager to marry while others get goosebumps and fear the ticking clock.

Whatever it is, take it in your own pace. There is no compulsion to be at par with the life events of your best friend. Do what you feel is best for you.

Guys, it is the best day of your best friend’s life and it would not be the same for him if you would not be happy. So, cheer up and be a part of his wedding celebrations leaving all your worries behind.

by Greenstarnetwork admin..

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