Thursday 9 April 2015

Does He Hide His Feelings? 5 Ways To Know If Your Man Is Being Sincere


Some people are a little more forthcoming about their feelings than others, there is no doubt about that. But when you are in a relationship of any sort it’s extremely important to be able to openly communicate to avoid conflict and to grow in that relationship. If you feel like your man has been hiding some of his feelings there is no doubt that you would want to figure out why and get the communication back on track.

Here are some ways to find out if your guy is being a little less than sincere about his feelings.

#1) He’s Always Unruffled

If something is going on in your life and your man’s response is cool as a cucumber, he might be putting on a bit of an act or just isn’t as phased as he maybe should be. In a challenging moment most people go for a consoling gesture or at least communicate about the situation a little more. If he shines you or acts like the situation isn’t a big deal he might not be coming at you with the most sincere of feelings.

#2) He’s Over the Top With Romantic Gestures

There’s obviously a fine line between the best guy ever and someone who is hiding something, and you probably won’t know right away. But if you feel at all suspicious about something that your man is doing or saying you should at least listen to your hunch. (Not necessarily react.) A lot of people over compensate for something that they don’t want to share by trying to deflect the attention and put it somewhere else. Suddenly showering you with gifts where he hasn’t before doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s mean that he’s cheating or something, but he might have something on his mind.

#3) He Withdraws

Where some people smother when they have something on their mind, other people withdraw. This can happen physically or emotionally, or sometimes both. If your man seems distracted or just not all there when you’re hanging out it might be that he has something going on and doesn’t think it’s the right time to share it with you for some reason.

Try not to get defensive and assume he is withdrawing because of something you did, but rather aim to make communicating a more open street. If you can approach him and say you’ve noticed that he’s been a little quiet lately, he might be motivated to consider opening up.

#4) You Catch Him In a Lie

Even the smallest lies shouldn’t be a part of a long term relationship. If you catch him lying about anything then that’s a clear sign that he isn’t being sincere. The key is to not jump to any conclusions about why he’s lying, but to directly ask him to explain. If he can’t explain why he’s lying, or if he gets defensive and blows you off, this could be a symptom of a bigger issue.

Sometimes people just lie because they feel like what they have to say wouldn’t be supported. Consider how you respond to him and your own communication style to see if there is anything going on on your end too.

#5) His Words & His Actions Aren’t Matching Up

If a guy tells you he loves you but you wouldn’t know it otherwise, he might not be being entirely sincere. It might not be that he doesn’t actually love you, but perhaps he’s struggling with some form of communicating it. Similarly, if a guy claims that he’s happy to go to whatever restaurant you chose and then seems miserable the whole time, there might be something weird happening. Another good example of this is him saying he’s fine with your mom, but then taking no interest in getting to know her when she is around.

It’s challenging to trust people who don’t seem to match up their words with their actions, and he should be responsive when you mention that. Sometimes the moment of clarity has to occur where he realizes that he isn’t being totally authentic. Sometimes people assume that other people aren’t picking up on their inconsistencies, and when they know that they are they are more inclined to speak directly. These moments can be huge turning points in relationships for the better, so don’t fear them!

by Greenstarnetwork admin..

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